A full featured online wallet compatible with eIDAS, EUDI and EBSI

What is Triveria Online Wallet Platform?

Triveria Wallet Platform is a fully functional online wallet, which is operating as a cloud service. It uses EBSI as a trust framework and is compatible with all EUDI Wallets in EU member states. Triveria can integrate with other EUDI wallets. These wallets use complex protocols such as OIDC4VCI/VP for communication, which are still under development and thus changing. Using our online wallet you do not need to worry about updates of these protocols as we implement them in our wallet platform for you.

Our platform complies with eIDAS 2 regulations and on top of that it can integrate with various services and identity providers. It enables you to log into other services such as Google Workspace, Atlassian, Github, etc. with your ID credentials.

You can integrate with Triveria simply and quickly through API. You do not need to deal with implementation of any protocols of EUDI Wallet and you can focus all your attention to your specific use case instead.


We are EBSI conformant

EBSI is a project driven by the European Union that is a technical identity provider (trusted party) implementation for the EIDAS 2.0 regulation. It has been designed to enable cross-border services for public administrations, businesses, citizens and their environment to verify information online and make services trustworthy.

Triveria is fully EBSI conformant, which means that by using our platform you gain the ability to fully enter the world of verified, legally binding interactions happening between issuers, holders and verifiers within the EU. We passed conformance tests for a Holder, a Verifier, an Issuer and Accredit and Authorize, which gives us technical ability to onboard RTAO, TAO and Trusted Issuer to EBSI blockchain.


Triveria is making life easier for software engineers

We have a strong focus on you, software engineers, and we are putting a lot of effort into providing useful tools so that you can integrate and build easily using our platform - we offer SDK's, web UI components, react web UI components, command line tool, android and IOS example wallets.

What ADVANTAGES does Triveria online wallet platform offer?

  • Developer tools
    Using our platform you will gain access also to developer tools that can be used in mobile applications or web UI.
  • Fast integration of use cases
    If you want to create and implement new use cases from scratch, you can focus purely on the business value your use case will bring you. You do not have to worry about the technical complexity of EUDI wallet interactions.
  • eIDAS 2 requirements
    If you have existing software that needs to be integrated into eIDAS 2 or needs to follow eIDAS 2 requirements, this is a matter of simple integration with our platform. We will handle all the complex interactions for you and you can focus solely on your product.
  • Web 3
    With Triveria Online Wallet Platform your Web 3 online interactions are convenient, very fast and secure.
  • Complying with EU regulations
    eIDAS 2 compatibility- be ready for the new upcoming changes, you do not need to worry about the legislation changes. Using our platform you will comply with EU regulations.

What FUNCTIONALITY does Triveria offer?

  • We offer full functionality for the Issuer, Holder and Verifier - issuing credentials, presenting credentials, offering credentials, verifying credentials, revoking credentials
  • Partial disclosures- revealing only partial verifiable information from a specific credential
  • Onboarding to EBSI as ROOT TAO - the entity on the top of the trust chain, TAO- trusted accreditation organization and TI- trustworthy issuers as we are EBSI compatible and eIDAS compatible.
  • Full featured mobile wallet for holder and verifier- mobile app for end users
  • Web UI components for the issuer, holder and verifier- it will make it very easy for you to build your own web UI that handles verifiable credentials and interactions
  • Multi-tenant capabilities- you can use our platform to offer online wallet functionality to your customers. You can also use our platform for your organization not only for managing documents as verifiable credentials, but also to authenticate into your online company systems that you use.

What will you gain from using Triveria online wallet platform?

  • Cost reduction- no need to involve third parties into the process of credential verification like notary offices, which leads to reduced costs for bureaucracy
  • Automation of processes- effective work with data and verifiable credentials
  • Flexibility- you have the control over the types of credentials you issue, you define what part of credential information will be revealed, you reveal only those info that are necessary and that suit your business processes. Credential is in your wallet, you are not dependent on google for example- you own your credentials
  • No middle men- you have a full control over your credentials- exclude unnecessary middle men from your customer relationship
  • Trust relationship- verifier must not store your data, therefore the holder fully controls to whom he gives the consent to view the information, data from the credential. This enables you to manage customer data transparently and increase trust in your organization.

Discover the simplicity of use and the user flow of Triveria Online Wallet Platform

Here are some short use case videos, where you can view real functionality of Triveria online wallet platform.

Issuing and accepting an online credential.


Presenting and verifying an online credential.


Presenting and verifying an online credential using mobile applications only

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