OneTide Identity Provider

OneTide Identity provider is a service, which offers a fast, secure, decentralised and EIDAS 2 compliant access to online services with regard to security and privacy. As it will be using digital national IDs as the identity source, it offers KYC by design.
OneTide Identity Provider eradicates struggling with password loss, security tokens and devices, NFC devices, online identity fraud and theft as well as time and money loss in authentication and verification during KYC processes.
We have created a bridge between verifiable credential interactions and existing online services. This bridge connects the new Web3 world of verifiable credentials with the existing, well established online identity world. With our OneTide Identity Provider, online users can easily access online services, or internal company systems by presenting their verifiable credential IDs. For the end user this is only a matter of scanning a QR code that is followed by accepting the presentation request in the holder mobile wallet.
OneTide Identity Provider offers a very convenient and secure way for users to access online services. On the other hand service providers can have full control over issuing and revoking verifiable credentials by which they control what person may access their services.
OneTide Identity Provider can fully replace existing KYC processes as the credential exchange is secured by most recent cryptography standards. By integrating with OneTide Identity Provider, online services like online auctions, crypto exchanges, gambling, 18+ sites, online finance and insurance institutions, web publishing sites etc. can easily authenticate their users using EU digital identity credentials.